Free WiFi Cafe Spots

WiFiCafeSpots - Cafes / Restaurants with free WiFi

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Free WiFi Cafe Spots
Free WiFi Cafe Spots helps you find a Cafe or Restaurant with a free WiFi hotspot.
It lists more than 100,000 Cafes and Restaurants with free WiFi in 140 countries around the World.
You can get Free WiFi Cafe Spots also as an Android, iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad app, which stores the location of the Wi-Fi hotpots on your phone, so that you can find them when you travel and do not have internet access.
You can list all cafes near your current Geo location or select a City / Neighborhood by name or ZIP code.

Available on the iPhone App Store
Available in Android Market

* Find free WiFi spots when your Phone Internet is too slow
* Avoid data roaming charges when traveling abroad
* Find a Cafe with a free Wi-Fi hotspot near your GPS location
* Select a City / Neighborhood by name or postal code
* The App can also be used without Internet connection
* The App can also be used without GPS

WiFiCafeSpots lists Cafes and Restaurants with free Wi-Fi hotspots
in the United States:
450 New York, NY
170 Chicago, IL
150 San Francisco, CA
150 Montreal, QC
160 Toronto, ON
130 Vancouver, BC
310 London, UK
140 Paris, FR
160 Berlin, DE
and many more Cities and Towns in 115 countries around the World.

Note: The app can also be used without internet connection and without GPS.

Get WiFiCafeSpots for the iPhone / iPod Touch / iPad on the iPhone AppStore
and for Android in Android Market

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